Friday, October 9, 2009

Plectrum Analyzer

There's a triple-whammy of Wolfmen goodies grabbable over at our favourite new webzine (and bi-monthly magazine) Plectrum - The Cultural Pick

Plectrum is both a website and hard-copy magazine keeping a contemporary eye on all areas of the arts - fashion, film, music, books and performance. A kaleidoscopic mix where Beatle Boots and Biba, Nigel Weymouth and The Wolfmen appear on the pop-culture playlist. So what was Plectrum's take on Jackie ?

'Surreal, transcendent, glamorous pop'

Is just one line from possibly the review of the year. It's a must-read and is viewable right here.

And, as a Bocca bonus, check out Plectrum's Guy Sangster Adams in-depth interview with Wolf-meisters Marco and Chris. A pitch perfect contextulisation, threading together and time-lining Ants history, Wolfmen formation and current collaborators and projects.

You can dig in here, and watch the video interview via the Plectrum Broadcast Player

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